Between 1968 and 1976, fifty priests, most of them Basque, Galician and Catalan, were imprisoned for showing their rejection of the repression of the dictator Francisco Franco. These priests, sentenced to twelve years in prison for denouncing the oppression of the dictatorship through sermons and confinement, will hardly forget the images of the mutiny broadcast by the international media in 1973. The prison in Zamora (Spain) was burned by the imprisoned priests.
The film portrays the experiences of those clergymen who, in difficult times, firmly committed themselves to their society. The history of the prison for priests in Zamora is unknown to new generations and, as we have been told many times, it has not been told either.
A journey into the past that aims to give value to the place deserved by hundreds of women from the valleys of Salazar, Roncal, Echo... who crossed the Pyrenees on foot to reach Mauleón (Zuberoa). They travelled to work in the espadrille factories in the area, and did so for almost a century. Hundreds of women, even girls, who at the age of 12 left their families, their villages, to earn a few Francs by working up to sixteen hours a day.
They set out every 7th of October, and did not return until half a year later, when the spring snows were over. These very characteristics of their journey, together with the fact that they were all dressed in black, led to their being known as Golondrinas.
Anne Etchegoyen takes us on a journey that leads us to discover who the swallows were. A path that united two very different Europes at the end of the 19th century and the first third of the 20th century.
A shot breaks the dusk. Hunters with GPS screens follow their dogs into the forest, and the night catches up with them. Elsewhere, Maina counts her sheep daily. The wolf has been sighted nearby. Adam, fascinated by this apparition, goes out to look for it with his camera, taking advantage of the full moon. Everyone relates to the animal in their own way, but they agree on one thing: they all want to see without being seen.
Donostia, 1813. At the height of the Spanish War of Independence.
The citizens are trapped in a city destroyed by both sides. Among them, Juana, who to escape from the bombs, the shots, the cries for help and the horror, seeks refuge in the closet of a room. Prisoner of his own innocence and ignorance, she must face his last minutes of life. He must face the last hard moments of life. Two soldiers coming for her will set the limit. But to deal with this situation, she has a companion...
Julia, an energetic old woman who her daughter wants to send to a care home, escapes with Karen, her Bolivian carer, on a journey to her homeland, the Basque Country, where they will regain control over their lives.
AFINANDO SILENCIOS / ISILUNEAK AFINATZEN/ TUNING SILENCES is a multilingual documentary that proposes a journey through the life cycle of people. From intrauterine life, from birth to death. Through different soundscapes, along the vital phases we go through.
In 2011, the prolonged armed conflict in the Basque Country appears to come to an end. A young woman flees with a clear goal: to cross the border, the "muga". She knows this will take her away from her home and roots, where she is no longer safe. During her escape, she arrives in Zubieta, a border village where ancient myths and modern conflicts seem to converge. Hidden in the attic of one of the town’s houses in the village, she begins to observe an unchanging everyday life.
An old generation peasant trikitixa (Basque diatonic accordion) player, who is unsure of the way traditional music is received abroad in the 21st century, is being challenged to go on a foreign tour with a well-known folk band, Korrontzi. "Biran/On Tour" is a thoughtprovoking documentary that intricately weaves together the threads of tradition and evolution, past and present, in the realm of music.
After selling the piano that accompanied him for decades, retired cellist André Mouroux embarks on a journey to recover and restore it, hoping to reconnect with his past and organize a French Piano Festival in Buenos Aires.
Miguel, Isabel y su hija Emilia, de nueve años, viajan al sur del desierto de Atacama, Chile, para explorar y acampar. Un accidente trunca el viaje: Emilia fallece en brazos de Miguel, Isabel queda en coma, y Eve, su perra, desaparece.