LehendakariaIñaki Gómez

  • - +34667764163
  • - Iñaki Gómez Sarasola
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Emma wants to learn to communicate with the spirit of a girl who has been trapped in a chapel for centuries and for this reason she tries to convince Carol, an incredulous and false medium, to help her. Contacting her spirit will help her stay close to her sick mother when she dies. What Carol doesn't suspect is that Emma really does have 'the gift' and that if the girl continues to try to use it without her help, she will put her little young life in danger.



Two outlaws. She, an undocumented Mexican immigrant in the Basque Country, with nowhere to go. He, an old shepherd living off the illegal sale of animals in his secluded farmhouse in the Basque mountains. Their paths cross, and they end up living under the same roof. Initial distrust gradually gives way to glimpses of mutual understanding. Until one day, he steals a horse with the intent of killing it to sell its meat.


On the other side

In 1985, Pablo, freshly released from prison, tries to rebuild his life in the troubled left bank of the Bilbao estuary. With an alcoholic father, a younger brother immersed in the kale borroka, and a society marked by ETA and the industrial crisis, Pablo is forced to turn to drug trafficking to support his family. But the pressure from law enforcement and conflicts with his past force him into a dangerous double game to protect his brother and save himself.



Ana, a young woman from Bilbao, flees to France after losing her parents in a Nazi bombing during the Spanish Civil War. Taken in at a Belgian farm, she falls in love with Juul, her host’s son. However, Juul’s uncle, an ambitious Nazi, sees Ana as an obstacle. After a violent confrontation and a failed escape attempt, the tension culminates in a final showdown at the farm, where Ana and Juul will fight for their love and freedom.





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