Kimuak 2024 Opens Call for Submissions for Short Film Selection Process

The deadline for submitting short films to the 2024 edition of KIMUAK will be open until the 21st of April.
The call for entries has been opened to participate in the 2024 edition of KIMUAK, the public program aimed at promoting, showcasing, and distributing Basque short films.
This year, applying for the call will be done through their new web platform at https://kimuak.basqueaudiovisual.eus. It is an intuitive website where you can easily register to join the call.
The works selected through this process will be compiled under the label of KIMUAK and will be sent to major film festivals, institutions, and international audiovisual events.
Authors interested in entering the call must present works with a duration not exceeding 30 minutes. Each participant may submit multiple pieces, as long as they have been completed after the 1st of June 2023.
In this edition, similar to last year, short films from the Basque Country Agglomeration Community (Communauté d'agglomération du Pays Basque-Euskal Hirigune Elkargoa) and the Autonomous Community of Navarre will be eligible for submission, provided they are in Basque. Short films from the Basque Autonomous Community (CAV) may be in any language.
The works must not have been commercially premiered. Consideration will be given to the admission of those works that have been screened by a public platform within the context of a festival. Furthermore, only short films that have been submitted to a maximum of 25 festivals will be accepted.
The call guidelines and registration form are available on the https://kimuak.basqueaudiovisual.eus website.
KIMUAK is a program of the Basque Government, coordinated in collaboration with Etxepare Basque Institute and Zineuskadi. It also receives support from the Basque Film Archive for the screening of short films in the Basque Country.